The opinion that the Contractual Securities Investment Funds is a kind of trust is prevailing and has been confirmed by the Securities Investment Funds Law. And the independence of trust property that based on it is the effective instrument to protect the funds shareholder's interests. 将契约型证券投资基金定位为信托制基金是目前学界较通行并已经《证券投资基金法》确定的认识,在此基础上的信托财产独立性是保护基金份额持有人利益的有力手段。
Contract plays a fundamental role in securities transactions, thus, contractual obligations are one of the basic types of obligations and liabilities in securities transactions. 契约在证券交易中起基础性作用,因此契约责任是证券交易中的基本责任类型之一;
An Inquiry of the Ownership and Characteristics of Contractual Securities 'Investment Fund 契约型证券投资基金的归属和特性之初探
The governance structure of contractual funds ( the major type of funds in Chinese Securities markets) is theoretically perfect. However in practice, investors cannot sufficiently superintend the fund management companies in that the superintendence channel is hard to be efficiently established. 契约型基金(中国证券投资基金主要的组织形式)的治理结构在理论上很完善,但它在实践中存在着由于监督渠道无法有效实现而出现基金管理公司受到投资者的监督较少的不足。
Securities arbitration is mainly used to resolve those disputes of contractual or non-contractual nature, which arise out of the issue or transaction of securities among the entities in securities industry, or between those entities and investors or securities publishers. 证券仲裁主要是用来解决证券业主体之间、证券业主体与投资者之间、证券业主体与证券发行人之间因证券的发行或交易而引起的契约性与非契约性纠纷的。
This paper mainly discusses about strengthening the check and balance on contractual securities investment fund governance structure from the aspects such as enhancing the independence and supervision function of fund custodian, perfecting independent director system and perfecting function of fund holders meeting, etc. 文章主要是从强化基金托管人的独立性和监控职能,完善独立董事制度,完善基金份额持有人会议功能等方面论述强化契约型证券投资基金治理结构的制衡。
The second part is the contractual securities investment fund law. 第二部分是契约型证券投资基金法律关系主体。